Yield Not to Temptation

"Yield Not to Temptation" is a hymn I remember singing as a child in rural Oklahoma. It was written in 1868 by noted music scholar, Dr. Horatio Palmer. Palmer at­tend­ed the Rush­ford Aca­de­my in New York, then taught there (1855-65), eventually be­com­ing the Aca­de­my’s mu­sic di­rect­or. He later moved to Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, where he served the Se­cond Bap­tist Church as choir di­rect­or. In 1873 Palmer moved back to New York where, in 1881, he organized the Church Chor­al Un­ion which event­u­al­ly boasted 20,000 sing­ers. When the CCU per­formed in Ma­di­son Square Gar­den in New York Ci­ty, Palmer had to limit the choir size to 4,000 voices!

Dr. Palmer wrote the lyrics to over 30 hymns, and the music to over a dozen more, most notably, "Master, The Tempest is Raging," On the composition of "Yield Not to Temptation" he says:

"This song was an in­spir­a­tion. I was at work on the dry sub­ject of ‘The­o­ry,’ when the com­plete idea flashed up­on me, and I laid aside the the­o­ret­ic­al work and hur­ried­ly penned both words and mu­sic as fast as I could write them. I su­bmit­ted them to the cri­ti­cism of a friend af­ter­ward, and some chang­es were made in the third stan­za, but the first two are ex­act­ly as they came to me—I am rev­er­ent­ly thank­ful it has been a pow­er for good."

"Yield Not to Temptation"

Sheet Music

Guitar Tab

Mandolin Tab

Ukulele Tab
