We'll Work Till Jesus Comes

Very little known about the history of this hymn. Although some consider it an American folk hymn, the text is usually attributed to Elizabeth King Mills, who was born in England in 1805 and died in 1829. The music was written by William Miller, an otherwise unknown musician, sometime in the 19th century. Its first known publication is thought to have been in "The Christian Harp" in 1836 where it appeared without the chorus and with the first line, "Sweet Land of Rest." The chorus first appeared in 1858 in Primitive Hymns.

O land of rest, for thee I sigh!
When will the moment come
When I shall lay my armor by
And dwell in peace at home?


We’ll work till Jesus comes
We’ll work till Jesus comes,
We’ll work till Jesus comes,
And we’ll be gathered home.

To Jesus Christ I fled for rest;
He bade me cease to roam,
And lean for comfort on His breast
Till He conduct me home.

I sought at once my Savior’s side;
No more my steps shall roam.
With Him I’ll brave death’s chilling tide
And reach my heav’nly home.

"We'll Work Till Jesus Comes"

Sheet Music

Guitar Tab

Mandolin Tab

Ukulele Tab
